How to make East European Kraut

How to make East European Kraut

How to make East European Kraut

A great ferment/kraut to make in the winter months when there are lots of great 
vegetables in season which lend themselves to fermenting and temperatures are perfect for fermenting. This East European ferment is a mix between sauerkraut and 
sauerreuben plus a few additional ingredients.

Ingredients to fill a 3 litre fido jar:

1600g shredded cabbage  
400g julienned turnip, 
250g julienned kohlrabi 
150g julienned daikon radish 
100g chopped fennel 
1 tsp fennel seed 
1 tsp smoked paprika 
1 tsp cumin seed 
½ tsp coriander seed 
¼ sp cayenne pepper 
36-48g pink Himalayan/sea salt 

Method is the same as for any other sauerkraut i.e. shred cabbage, add salt, massage.   
Pack into fermenting jar pressing down as you go to ensure no air pockets. Weigh the 
mixture down and leave to ferment for 3-4 weeks. It is advisable to use a good quality 
jar with airlock to avoid the need to open your jar to “burp” your ferment. Good 
quality, low histamine sauerkraut should be fermented in an anaerobic environment for 
some weeks. The ideal fermenting temperature is 18 – 22 degrees celcius.

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