How to make Fermented BBQ Sauce

How to make Fermented BBQ Sauce

How to make Fermented BBQ Sauce


1 ½ Tablespoons sea salt 
2 ½ cups filtered water 
1 - 2 dried chipotle 
1 -2 dried ancho chilies 
¼ cup cacao nibs 
200g tomatoes, firm, seeded and rough chopped 
2 - 3 shallots or half small onion (chopped) 
1 -2 jalapenos, seeded 
6 - 7 fresh sage leaves 
1/4 cup black strap molasses

Make brine by dissolving salt into the water. 
Soak the dried chipotle and ancho chilies in warm water for about 20 minutes. Drain. 

Place cacao nibs into a one litre fermenting jar, then add diced tomato and the rest of 
the ingredients, EXCEPT the molasses. Press down lightly on the contents of the jar to 
remove any air pockets. Pour in the brine until it covers the ingredients by 2 cms. 

Allow to ferment at room temperature for 7 - 10 days.  When ready, strain the ferment, 
but reserve the liquid. 

Place the strained, fermented ingredients and molasses into a blender with about 1/4 
cup of the fermented liquid and blend until smooth. Add in a little more liquid as 
needed, but not too much! The consistency should be similar to tomato ketchup.   
Refrigerate and use within one month. 

To Marinade Ribs: 
Marinade 2kg beef ribs in 1 ½ cups of the sauce for 24 - 48 hours making sure you turn 
the ribs to ensure that all both sides are evenly marinaded. 

Pre-heat oven to 135 degrees C. (Baking the ribs in a low temperature retains moisture 
and flavour). You can of course use a barbeque too.  Line a large baking sheet with 
baking paper and place the ribs on top in a single layer. Bake for 3 hours or until ribs 
are very tender. You could use some of the leftover BBQ sauce as a dipping sauce.

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